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Wednesday, August 8-

Yes, like the (sorta) many other webcomic authors who are going, I plan to hit Otakon this weekend. If you're in the Baltimore area, and you plan to go, well, I'll be there. Otakon's people never called me back for Booth Space, so here's what's going down: I'm gonna be selling sketches and pictures of RPG World characters out of my backpack to anyone who can find me.


Yes, as you can see, on Friday and sunday, I will be wearing my "Standard issue" shirt of blue with a stripe in the front (I have 4 of them, it's clean) on Saturday, I'll be wearing the "HEROIC" shirt that I made for me and only me. But I will be selling it soon. and not by cafepress. oooh! but yeah. If you're lucky enough to find me, then You're also lucky enough to buy sketches I have. First come first serve. I got yer Diane, Detestai, Cherry, Hero, etc. all in my backpack of joy.

Oh, and if RPG World doesn't update this weekend, it's Keenspace's fault. ^^

---Ian J.

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